Our Process

We use and love our process to achieve the best results for our clients

1. Connect

This first part of the process is all about understanding. First off, we make sure we’re the right fit. Next, we get to learn a little a more about your business and the type of website you’re looking for. Not only do we look into possible designs, we also look into what’s actually going to solve any holes your business is currently facing. If we can’t build a website that your customers love, then what’s the point? 

2. Collect

The collect phase is all about getting the required information we need from your business. We will first investigate what pages you need on your website and then collect the information we require from you. This includes things like logos, images, videos, text or other design related information.
We understand it can sometimes be quite tricky to know what to send us. At this point you have no idea what the website is going to look. That’s ok, because we will make the process a little easier for you by creating a prototype of how the website might be structured. The prototype won’t look all that great, nor have any attention to design, but it’ll help picture the structure of your website and will make it easier to send your website content.

3. Correct

Let’s make sure everything we’ve done so far is on track and is definately the way you want it. We will take a look at what we’ve done so far and see if we are missing anything or something needs correcting or changing.

4. Create

Finally, it’s time for us to get into the works of your website and implement everything we’ve discussed into an amazing website ready to go live. Once your website is live, hopefully you will start to see your goals flourishing! 
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